School: Part 1

I thought it might be fun on this site to reminisce and share about my time at Drexel University when I studied culinary arts!

In July 2009 I knew I needed a change. The year before, I had been dreaming of someday going to culinary school and I was actually trying to use it as my motivation to get through independent study… When I finished and got my bachelor’s maybe I could go to culinary school! I even contacted several culinary schools and had them mail me out their info. I kept it all in a folder and would look at the fliers and dream.. I had no idea that a few universities have actual bachelors degrees in culinary arts! And as luck would have it, one of those was just a walk away from where we lived in West Philadelphia.


Everything happened very fast, as that July my family and I researched Universities in the area, but not surprisingly, their deadlines for application had already long passed. That was all but one, Drexel University, which had a “rolling admission” which meant you could turn in an application and be accepted any time. Coincidentally (or by divine providence), a “prospective transfer student information session” was the very next day (Friday), so you bet I cancelled work immediately and showed up at that meeting. I assumed I would finish up my degree in German, Music, or Health Science, since that was what I was studying at BYU (I have WAY too many interests), but at that meeting there was a different area of study that certainly perked my ears and made my heart race…. CULINARY ARTS. I could not even believe it.

I had my transcripts from BYU overnighted, and that Monday I had an interview and was accepted on the spot. I seriously still have goose bumps when I think how everything seemed to work out so perfectly. It really was meant to be.

I have always had a great love of learning and had felt that start to diminish when I was doing the independent study program, plus I have a very competitive nature that happens in a physical classroom with peers, so I could not wait to begin!


I ordered up my required “uniform” for class– hounds-tooth pants, chef jacket, white apron, skull cap, and rubbery shoes–and I went to the Italian market to get my required knife set and pastry equipment and tools. As you can see, the uniform really fit Jesse perfectly. I, on the other hand, always drowned a bit in it… Why don’t they make smaller sizes?! But I think he makes a pretty handsome (and fierce-looking) chef!

I’ll save more for another school installment!


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